About me


my name is Antti Kokkonen.

I'm IT consultant, business coach, software developer, gamer and blogger from Finland. I work in the IT industry, managing the engineering environments and software development tools in a large IT services, R&D and consulting company.

My passion for learning and knowledge, mixed in with geeky obsession into all things tech, has turned me into a jack of all trades when it comes to computers, the Internet and technology in general.

During the years working in the IT and telecommunications industry, I've been mostly involved with small- and large-scale agile software development, continuous integration and software configuration management.

Outside the "9-5 job", I'm helping people to use computers & the Internet easier and better, even if they've struggled with technology before. I'm interested in (and know quite a lot about) things like blogging, WordPress, social media (think Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), Internet marketing and SEO - and I continue learning and paying it forward every day.

To learn more about me and how I can help you, check out my homepage at http://anttikokkonen.com.

You can also follow me via 140 characters at a time via Twitter at http://twitter.com/akokkonen.

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(Information about me in Finnish)